Wednesday, June 26, 2013


I know one of my last posts was about Smiley360's mission for F'real milkshakes. Now...I'd like to tell you all about Smiley360 and why you should join up. My number one reason you should all join is because it is FREE. That's right. There is no gimmick or scam to get your money at all. You join up review products through SmileyConnect and occasionally they will send you a survey and sometimes those lead to missions. Once you've secured a mission your only task is to test the product and tell people about it in person and via social media outlets (Facebook and Twitter)...that's a win win situation right there. Plus the products they send you to test are often full-size from what I can tell. I've only gotten one real mission from them so far so I can only judge based on what I have received and what I've seen others get. In any case I think you should join up!

I'm placing a click-thru link here for you to go straight to sign up! Why not give it a try? :)

Friday, June 21, 2013

MAN OF STEEL & This Is The End...a bit late but reviewed nonetheless...

So last week my fiance and I went to see Man of Steel and This Is The End before they were generally released out at early showings. So now on to what I thought of both of them....

First of all we saw This is the End first. I must say I cracked up throughout this movie; it might not be appealing to everyone but it was funny for me. I love all the actors in it (James Franco, Seth Rogen, Jay Baruchel, Jonah Hill, etc) so there is no way I wouldn't have liked it. Plus there is an awesome cameo at the end that I won't spoil for anyone but it's great and made me laugh and feel quite a bit nostalgic for the 90s.

I'd give this movie an A- it's not the best movie in the world but if you're into raunchy laughing comedies this will do it for ya.


Thanks to Walmart my fiance and I got in to see Man of Steel at 7pm on Thursday of last week...before it was launched to most theatergoers. I got him all this stuff and he came home to it and I think I totally won the best wifey ever award when he saw it because he had been DYING to see this movie. We even got to keep those super awesome special tickets and we both wore our Superman shirts. 

When we got to the theater they let us in and directed us to theaters that looked like this on the outside: 

I giggled at it a little because of all their secretiveness. We exited the movie later to people going, "Walmart 3D? Walmart 2D? What the hell is that?" which made me laugh yet again....all I could think was, "That was awesomeness that's what it was."

Man of Steel was epic. I don't care if they changed up certain things that some fans are up in arms about; it worked in my opinion. I was completely intrigued the entire time, and if any of you haven't made it into this movie yet you should definitely make time to do so. It is very worthwhile to see on the big screen and you can't say that for many movies these days. I definitely give it an A+++++. hahaha

Anyway I know I'm a bit late with saying anything about these but I'm quite the movie-goer and I hope to do these a little more regularly....maybe I'll get one up about Monsters Inc. this weekend since I definitely plan to see it! I already did my nails in preparation for this awesome weekend. I love me some Disney and Pixar! Well I'll leave you with some Monsters Inc photos (my nails and my picture with Mike from the Disney Store)...until next time! 

f'real® Smiley 360 Mission!

It really is like Christmas in June/July for our apartment this month. I've been signing up for all types of goodies that I hope to share with all of you in posts really soon including Ipsy, BuluBox, Julep, and NatureBox.

But right now I want to share with you what I received complimentary for testing purposes from Smiley360 today in the mail. It was a kit with all sorts of goodies from F'Real milkshakes. This mission was invitational to people from certain states one of which happened to be PA which *ding ding ding* that's where I am. I accepted and a few weeks later here is the package I got. 

f'real® -
FREE $1.00 off Coupon! (GO USE IF YOU HAVE A LOCAL F'REAL STATION...thank me later because they are amazing!)


A Mission Statement Card which had all the facts about the mission laid out and any particular sites for F'real that you should visit and things to think about as you test the product.

5 FREE f'real coupons each worth a maximum retail price of $3.69 which is the average price of one of these I'd gather from seeing that.

1 Cake Batter Milkshake Air-freshener for the car or wherever...I'm using it for my car. It smells delicious. 

1 T-Shirt that  is very adorable and says I love my milkshake. 

So far I have not tried these but I'm itching to go to Wawa tomorrow to get one and see how they are...especially this Cake Batter one that I've heard about and have the air freshener scent for, hahaha. I have heard these milkshakes are fantastic from everyone that has tried them so why don't you all go out and test them as well since I put the handy dandy link to a $1.00 off coupon on here! Also why not check out Smiley360...if you want I can give you a referral so that I get some credit for sending you! If you go or have tried them before make sure to leave a comment and let me know what you thought!

As always thanks for reading my ramblings! :)

UPDATE: I have tried these now and I suggest you take that coupon and go get yourself one! I've had cake batter, peanut butter cup, strawberry banana smoothie, and cookies and cream and I must say each one was amazing.....I'd want to say even more amazing than going to get a milkshake from an ice cream shake. Do yourself a favor and grab one up because they are awesome! No wonder people are always getting these from Wawa.