Wednesday, June 26, 2013


I know one of my last posts was about Smiley360's mission for F'real milkshakes. Now...I'd like to tell you all about Smiley360 and why you should join up. My number one reason you should all join is because it is FREE. That's right. There is no gimmick or scam to get your money at all. You join up review products through SmileyConnect and occasionally they will send you a survey and sometimes those lead to missions. Once you've secured a mission your only task is to test the product and tell people about it in person and via social media outlets (Facebook and Twitter)...that's a win win situation right there. Plus the products they send you to test are often full-size from what I can tell. I've only gotten one real mission from them so far so I can only judge based on what I have received and what I've seen others get. In any case I think you should join up!

I'm placing a click-thru link here for you to go straight to sign up! Why not give it a try? :)

Friday, June 21, 2013

MAN OF STEEL & This Is The End...a bit late but reviewed nonetheless...

So last week my fiance and I went to see Man of Steel and This Is The End before they were generally released out at early showings. So now on to what I thought of both of them....

First of all we saw This is the End first. I must say I cracked up throughout this movie; it might not be appealing to everyone but it was funny for me. I love all the actors in it (James Franco, Seth Rogen, Jay Baruchel, Jonah Hill, etc) so there is no way I wouldn't have liked it. Plus there is an awesome cameo at the end that I won't spoil for anyone but it's great and made me laugh and feel quite a bit nostalgic for the 90s.

I'd give this movie an A- it's not the best movie in the world but if you're into raunchy laughing comedies this will do it for ya.


Thanks to Walmart my fiance and I got in to see Man of Steel at 7pm on Thursday of last week...before it was launched to most theatergoers. I got him all this stuff and he came home to it and I think I totally won the best wifey ever award when he saw it because he had been DYING to see this movie. We even got to keep those super awesome special tickets and we both wore our Superman shirts. 

When we got to the theater they let us in and directed us to theaters that looked like this on the outside: 

I giggled at it a little because of all their secretiveness. We exited the movie later to people going, "Walmart 3D? Walmart 2D? What the hell is that?" which made me laugh yet again....all I could think was, "That was awesomeness that's what it was."

Man of Steel was epic. I don't care if they changed up certain things that some fans are up in arms about; it worked in my opinion. I was completely intrigued the entire time, and if any of you haven't made it into this movie yet you should definitely make time to do so. It is very worthwhile to see on the big screen and you can't say that for many movies these days. I definitely give it an A+++++. hahaha

Anyway I know I'm a bit late with saying anything about these but I'm quite the movie-goer and I hope to do these a little more regularly....maybe I'll get one up about Monsters Inc. this weekend since I definitely plan to see it! I already did my nails in preparation for this awesome weekend. I love me some Disney and Pixar! Well I'll leave you with some Monsters Inc photos (my nails and my picture with Mike from the Disney Store)...until next time! 

f'real® Smiley 360 Mission!

It really is like Christmas in June/July for our apartment this month. I've been signing up for all types of goodies that I hope to share with all of you in posts really soon including Ipsy, BuluBox, Julep, and NatureBox.

But right now I want to share with you what I received complimentary for testing purposes from Smiley360 today in the mail. It was a kit with all sorts of goodies from F'Real milkshakes. This mission was invitational to people from certain states one of which happened to be PA which *ding ding ding* that's where I am. I accepted and a few weeks later here is the package I got. 

f'real® -
FREE $1.00 off Coupon! (GO USE IF YOU HAVE A LOCAL F'REAL STATION...thank me later because they are amazing!)


A Mission Statement Card which had all the facts about the mission laid out and any particular sites for F'real that you should visit and things to think about as you test the product.

5 FREE f'real coupons each worth a maximum retail price of $3.69 which is the average price of one of these I'd gather from seeing that.

1 Cake Batter Milkshake Air-freshener for the car or wherever...I'm using it for my car. It smells delicious. 

1 T-Shirt that  is very adorable and says I love my milkshake. 

So far I have not tried these but I'm itching to go to Wawa tomorrow to get one and see how they are...especially this Cake Batter one that I've heard about and have the air freshener scent for, hahaha. I have heard these milkshakes are fantastic from everyone that has tried them so why don't you all go out and test them as well since I put the handy dandy link to a $1.00 off coupon on here! Also why not check out Smiley360...if you want I can give you a referral so that I get some credit for sending you! If you go or have tried them before make sure to leave a comment and let me know what you thought!

As always thanks for reading my ramblings! :)

UPDATE: I have tried these now and I suggest you take that coupon and go get yourself one! I've had cake batter, peanut butter cup, strawberry banana smoothie, and cookies and cream and I must say each one was amazing.....I'd want to say even more amazing than going to get a milkshake from an ice cream shake. Do yourself a favor and grab one up because they are awesome! No wonder people are always getting these from Wawa.

Friday, May 31, 2013

My Influenster May VEET® EasyWax™ Electrical Roll-On Kit Product Finally Came....

....but I'm not as thrilled as I originally thought I might be about it.

I got this box complimentary from Influester and Veet for testing purposes and since this is a test I want to give an honest opinion of what I think of this product....not a sugar-coated "just because I got it for free I'm gonna say how awesome it is" review.
Don't get me first I was super excited. I opened the box with joy when I found it and inside was nestled an awesome looking Veet Easy Wax Kit which retails for around $29.97 on Walmart's website. 

Naturally you'd think the product would be super awesome if you were going to pay that much for it....well let me be one of the people to tell you: SAVE YOUR MONEY.  I read all the reviews and was skeptical after everyone pretty much said this product was a waste of time.

But then I tried it.
I followed every direction in the little booklet to the letter since I had really never waxed before and I wanted to make sure I did everything right. Well I plugged it in and the booklet says it takes about 30ish minutes to heat big deal...but then mine wasn't fully ready at the 30 minutes so I waited a little longer. It was a waiting game in a way....which is one of the many reasons I'd rather shave than wax I think because with this wax it took quite a while whereas I could shave and be done in no time. Well it finally heated up and I figured I'd do a tester spot first to see if I could deal with the pain that I had hear waxing usually incurs but when I did it nothing really happened. The first go around it didn't take any hairs off and just left a sticky wax stripe mess on my leg. I wasn't fully deterred by this so I gave it a few more tries...I got gradually better at it as time went on, but it still would leave hairs each never really took them all off. That started to annoy me so eventually I just gave up. Oh and the next day I had these random red marks where it looked like it had damaged my skin a little bit....I didn't really like that either.

There are the red marks on my legs where the wax strips must have pulled a layer of skin off in spots.

I think I gave this product an honest try. 
Would I buy it for the price it's at currently with the results I experienced? No most likely not.

 Now I do think the product could be improved in several ways. It's design is awesome and it's a neat idea. Someone I saw mentioned in a review that it had a flimsy base to sit in, but I really had no problems with that. It sat fine for me. I do think however that the electrical cord could be longer though because it's kind of short and if you wanted to leave it plugged in to keep the heat (because it doesn't keep it very well otherwise) it makes it kind of difficult to maneuver around. Since I mentioned about the heat that is also something that could be improved. The heater doesn't heat as fast as they claim it does to work efficiently so something might could be done to improve the heating element inside the product.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed reading my review of this product and hopefully it helps some of you decide whether or not you want to buy this for nearly $30, wait for something better, or just stick to whatever your current routine is.

Thanks for reading! :)

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Well May 11th, 2013 marked a new chapter in my life. I finally graduated from college and now I'm an official adult...well sort of, haha. I now have my Bachelor of Arts in Art Therapy and a minor in Psychology. Boo-yah! Here's the pictures from the big day!

Cedar Crest College Class of 2013

Me prior to graduation. LOL

 With Dr. Micah Sadigh! :)
My face cracks me up here.
All done.
 Rockin' this spiffy dress I got.

 My brother and I.
And now I'm a pinned Alumnae. :)

Catching Up About My Order

This came quite some time ago now, but I know I had promised in one of my old blog posts to share with you what I had received from Well my $20 purchase from SomethingStore got me a very adorable little Bijoux Terner orange beaded clutch and a matching orange scarf. As soon as I opened it I was like, "At least they match!" hahaha. Whoever packaged that definitely wanted to keep with the color scheme they had going for my order. The purse is super adorable, and I've actually used it a couple times now. I haven't put the scarf to use yet, but not because it isn't a good item it's just because I haven't had the right outfit to wear it with...but you bet your bottom dollar eventually I will. I would say my SomethingStore purchase (though not a big name worth a lot of money item) was very good. I was content with it and I scored some really cute stuff for not a lot of money. I've seen some people out right complain about what they get but I think it was well worth the money.

So I've Got Some Catching Up To Do

I haven't blogged in forever! I got so busy with the end of school (COLLEGE GRADUATION WOO HOO!) and just life in general that blogging went to the back-burner...not that too many people read my blog anyway...but I wanted to catch back up with anyone and everyone who might stumble to this blog. First things first I guess we can address what I was up to all those weeks leading up to the graduation I just told you all about. Well the final semester was filled with lots of new artwork on my part. I had lots of assignments and projects to finish up and I am pretty darn proud of all of them. Here is a taste of the pendants & rings that I completed for jewelry and metalsmithing:
 I love this one and wear it a lot...and have gotten many compliments on it.
 My "UP" Pendant
 Paintbrush Ring
Dice Pendant Inspired by someone from my Art Therapy Practicum
 I called this piece "Day & Night"
Someone said this pendant looks vaguely like an cool. haha

 Just a nifty designed ring I did without having any idea or purpose behind it.
This one I like to call "Bubbles".

And since we're on my art rampage I should probably show you pictures of the culminating event of my senior year of college. We FINALLY had our Art Therapy Practicum Show!

 Both of my pieces together.
 My print titled "Love".
My memory box entitled "Hidden Memories". 

These pieces were both very important to me as they reflected our time in practicum spent at an area nursing home. It was a great show and after we got to open the new Cedar Crest College Art Therapy Master's Program studio!


In lieu of doing the traditional ribbon cutting ceremony some of us created this piece together to open the studio with! It was a very cool idea to do. :)

Sunday, April 7, 2013

What is this

My friend and I had a conversation recently where she told me about this store that sends you something completely random for $10 which includes the item and it's shipping...and the catch is you don't know what this random item is it could be something like earrings (which my friend got) or a scarf to a Kindle Fire or iPod.
I didn't know what to think of this at first but I was intrigued, so I decided to look into it today. 

The Website:

SomethingStore is a fun website that operates simply: We will send you something, an item selected randomly among many products from our inventory, for $10 (free shipping in the US) and you will discover what your something is when you receive it. 

Seems like a fair deal in my opinion and hey kinda fun too! It's nice to have a surprise every now and then and who knows it could be worth MORE than $10 and it be something you really want...and even if you don't like the surprise you could re-gift whatever you get to someone you know sometime so it's kind of a win-win situation. And if you can prove that whatever they give you isn't worth $10 they will refund you the difference. It lets you know what could possibly be in the package you get and what most definitely won't (this list is pretty funny to read). There is also a nifty something tracker of things that people have received recently. If you click "Get Yours" you'll move on to an order page...

They are $10 each and you can order up to 20 somethings in a single purchase...though you'll be spending a lot then. Two seemed like a good deal to me just to increase the chance that I might get something really cool. I love the fact that it's just that flat cost and you don't have to pay extra for tax or's great!

I haven't gotten my SomethingStore purchase yet since I just placed the order today, but I can tell you I'm excited to receive it...whatever it is. I'll let you all know if it was worthwhile in the long run once I receive my items! :)

Saturday, March 16, 2013

My Sugar & Spice VoxBox Finally Arrived!

*Knock, Knock* "Could it be? Is it finally here?!" *Run down the stairs and open the door and there it is in it's orange glory, the Influenster Sugar & Spice VoxBox, that I've been patiently waiting for* "YAY!"

It finally arrived, so I was excited to get it upstairs and see what the fabulous people over at Influenster had in store for us lucky recipients this time around...and I was not all. This box is AMAZING. It's even better than the first Holiday VoxBox 2012 that I received I think. They really outdid themselves in my eyes. The best part is it's all free! Now on to the products that this box held.....

They absolutely STUFFED this box, and they even include a nifty little card to tell you exactly about every product (the usual total cost, etc.) that's included in your box.


Vaseline Spray & Go Moisturizer Total Moisture: $7.99 for 6.5oz can
New Vaseline Spray & Go Moisturizer Total Moisture is a continuous spray lotion that moisturizes and absorbs in seconds, and leaves skin feeling instantly soft -- not sticky or greasy.
My First Impression of this Product: Who wouldn't want something like this? The idea that it's not sticky or greasy is pretty awesome because most all lotions are sort of greasy when you put them on. I can't wait to test this product out and see if it lives up to this review on their card.

Nectresse: $6.99 for 5.9oz container, or $3.99 for a box of 40 packets
Nectresse sweetener tastes like sugar but has zero calories per serving! 100% all natural, Nectresse is made primarily from monk fruit combined with other natural sweeteners.
My First Impression of this Product: I normally don't use Splenda or anything like that, but I will give this stuff a shot to see how it is. I'm thinking it would be good to bake with since I've seen several recipes that use this stuff that look pretty good. The box even came with a little booklet that contained recipes using this stuff, so that's pretty nifty as well. 

Dickinson's Original Witch Hazel Oil Controlling Towelettes: $5.99 for a 20-count box
Introducing Dickinson's Original Witch Hazel Oil Controlling Towelettes - the soothing blend of Witch Hazel and Aloe on these facial wipes rejuvenates your skin by gently lifting dirt, oil and impurities from your pores while nourishing even the most sensitive skin. The result is a clean, refreshed and blemish-free complexion even when you're out and about.
My First Impression of this Product: These sound awesome, and I really can't wait to try them out...probably tonight before bed, haha. It was also nice that I had several coupons to buy more of these included in the box, so that I can give some to my friends if I really like the product or think they will. 

Colgate Optic White Regimen:
Toothpaste: $2.99 for 4oz tube
Mouthwash: $2.99 for 8oz bottle
Toothbrush: $2.99 per brush
Your VoxBox contains not one, but THREE Colgate Optic White products in a new high impact formula. Use the Optic White toothpaste, toothbrush, and mouthwash together for whiter teeth in five days (vs. brushing with an ordinary toothpaste alone).
My First Impression of these Products: WOW! I couldn't believe they gave us the whole kit (toothbrush, toothpaste, and mouthwash). That was pretty fantastic. Not to mention Colgate is a tried and true brand for me, so I can't wait to test out these new products from them.

belVita Breakfast Biscuits: $3.69 for a box of 5 packets of 4 biscuits
belVita Breakfast Biscuits are made with delicious ingredients and carefully baked to release steady energy that lasts all morning. They are a good source of Fiber and B-Vitamins, contain no high fructose corn syrup, have 18-20 grams of whole grain per 50 gram serving and taste great - perfect for on-the-go!
My First Impression of this Product: I'm thinking that these might just be perfect for me since I'm always on the go and usually miss out on some meals (most importantly breakfast). It could also be a replacement for bad for me snacks. We shall have to see! 

I can't wait to test all these products out and write actual reviews...not just my first impressions after opening the box and reading little bits and pieces about them. It's so great that there is a company like Influenster out there that provides the great opportunity to test out products like these.

More to come as I start to test these products! :)

I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Review: The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part 1 Extended Edition and Part 2 Two Movie Set from Walmart

So I'm an avid fan of Twilight (and yes I will admit that). I had already gotten the special Target Edition of Breaking Dawn Part 1 BUT when they added an extra 8 minutes into Part 1 I just had to know what the extra was...and now I can tell you that the extra minutes weren't that special (just a few scenes added from the books such as one where Rosalie gives Jacob a dog dish and Jacob hits her in the head with it) if you were thinking of buying the Special Extended Edition alone, save yourself some money and get the one that has both movies in it because you'll be doing yourself a favor. This copy was only about $19.99 in store and it's $22.96 online at Walmart's page which is linked above. I honestly looking back on it now probably would've preferred the special edition Target copy of Breaking Dawn Part 2, but I got the one above so it is what it is, haha. There aren't a lot of bonus features on this copy at all, so if that's what you're after definitely go with an alternate copy...if you're in it just for the movie alone then this one would be perfect for you. 

        This is the scene where Jacob throws a dog dish at Rosalie which is in the Extended Edition of Part 1.

When I went to the Walmart midnight release of Twilight they had special little cupcakes with Twilight rings on them for all the purchasers who had patiently waited in line...they were actually quite yummy and so sweet. Another perk that the midnight release had was you got mini theatrical posters of all the Twilight movies, and they are pretty nifty. I liked those a lot.

(Pretty Little Liars Volume 1&2 Book $4.97, Wreck it Ralph Tee $5.00, Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 1&2 $19.99, and Free Theatrical Posters)

I got all the above loot from Walmart that night for under $35 so I'd say that it was a pretty worthwhile buy.